
Art Prints

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where Do Artists Find Inspiration?

Where does an artist find inspiration,or does it find you? I guess that fits in the same category as which came first the chicken or the egg? It is all a matter of an individuals perspective. Is your glass half empty or half full?

My glass is usually full and overflowing. I get my designs from my dreams while I am sleeping, even daydreaming can yield some cool art. This  is a sleeping dream design, I am like the Madhatter when I run to grab paper and pen. I have a real compulsion to sketch my thoughts before they are lost in everyday things. I later develop them in wire and stone, metal, or even canvas. The nice part is I may get 3-4 sketches from each dream so I end up with more than one piece of art! This link will lead you back to my Handmade Artists Shop where this piece is now available to add to your collection.Wild Tree of Life Cross Tree

Hey! Would you like to see a daydream piece?

I was tidying up in my  studio, and I happened to pick up ,this salvaged Fleur De li. It would not let go of my hand, lol, next thing you know, I am cutting, filing and making a back plate to mount that pretty piece of brass that nearly found it's way to the scrap box for recycling!
Absent-minded daydreams can reap unexpected inspiration. Next time your mind starts to wonder, just go ahead and let it. No telling what might wait at the end of the your rainbow:)
This link will take you to my Shop if you are interested in adding this piece to your collection:) Fleur De Li Pendant
Thank you so much for reading my ramblings, I hope I have entertained or better yet inspired you to step off the beaten path a while and dream.......


  1. Dream creations are the best ones because they come from deep within...and it shows! Beautiful work

    1. Thanks Kimberly:) I really appreciate your kind remarks,it means a lot to be appreciated!

  2. Hi Nancy! My inspiration comes from my fabric addiction :o
    Nice blog - following!

    1. I bet that is great inspiration! I sewed for years from necessity, it was much less expensive back in the day:)I seldome touch my machine, but I still have trouble passing up a fabric shop, just like to see whats new, thanks for your comment Andrea:)

  3. Well said Nancy - My inspiration has no rhyme or reason. Over the past few months, I see color combinations from a magazine cover , a friends blog ;o), a picture in hospital… even walking Max. I carry a small pen and scratch paper in my pocket to write the color down. ;o) It’s interesting I know… But hey, that’s what makes us all different!

    1. Thank you Cari! I am so glad we are all different, I love other peoples work, seeing the world through a fresh perspective helps keep us focused on our art.
